After hearing about this novel from so many people, I felt compelled to buy this book just to feel in the literary loop.
The Nest follows Leo Plumb, the handsome and charming eldest brother of Jack, Beatrice and Melody. When Leo becomes embroiled in a unsavory situation, the family trust fund is put in jeopardy. Through his accident and high profile divorce Leo’s siblings, who have counted on the money to fund their futures, are left with virtually nothing and are forced to preserve the wreck of their lives. Grappling with the consequences of their privileged upbringing, each of the Plumb’s must face their often poor life choices and their presumptions about their future. They find themselves scrambling to cover their tracks, which lead each of them to a deeper understanding of themselves and each other. Yet despite the back-stabbing and devious behavior, I found myself caring about the characters and hoping everything would turn out alright for this dysfunctional family.
This is a fast-paced novel filled with razor sharp wit that you will not want to put down. It shines a spotlight on family dirt in a delightfully venomous way while at the same time revealing our human frailties with compassion and remarkable insight. Until next time…have you read a book today?